Dialogue, as defined by International Labour Organisation (ILO), include
negotiations, communication, consultations, or simply exchange of information
between or among representatives of governments, employers and workers, on
issues of common interest relating to economic and social policy in a
workplace. Governments, employers or workers acting alone cannot achieve
economic and social progress and stability, and require continuous and
constructive interaction and engagement to arrive at social consensus and/or
compromise. Social Dialogue provides participating stakeholders with
opportunities to jointly decide on their mutual and individual responsibilities
and futures. Social Dialogue as a mechanism and an effective tool for solving
collective challenges by creating structures and environment suitable for
efficient problem -solving, facilitates conditions for establishing better
working and living conditions and social justice for workers in particular, and
enhanced harmony and productivity at workplace for employers and managers.
Dialogue is an integral component of ILO’s Decent Work agenda and extremely
relevant in the context of Asia as a major part of global production networks
(GPN) and value and supply chains. ILO’s fundamental principles and rights at
work, and particularly the right to associate and bargain collectively, are
pre-conditions for social dialogue. However, effective operation of social
dialogue is required for these principles to be fully realized. The benefits of
social dialogue within enterprises have been recorded in the form of improved
worker-management communication, initiation and strengthening of forums for
communication, dialogue, deliberation and solution oriented decisions and
improved industrial relations. Worldwide Enhancement of Social Quality (WE
Project), a partnership project between Tchibo, a German retailer, and GIZ,
could be seen as a good example of social dialogue at workplace. WE Project
improved production rates by 30% and reduced turnover rates from 10% to 6%
during the project period.
wider implementation of social dialogue methods at workplace in GPNs and value
and supply chains in India and wider Asia is far from desired, due to several
complex challenges around policies, context and practices. Senior management in
organizations in GPNs do not view employee engagement as a strategic function,
since there is no apparent direct link between benefits of social dialogue
within an organization and it’s bottom-line. Limited awareness amongst workers
and managers about labour standards and worker’s rights, and absence of
democratically elected worker unions results in limited two-way communication
between workers and senior management.
Centre for
Responsible Business (CRB) in partnership with several garment and apparel and
footwear brands is engaged in initiatives on social dialogue in their value and
supply chains to enable creation of systems and processes in factories to
practice and promote social dialogue and bridge gaps between the management and
workers. To share experiences, perspectives and learning on social dialogue as
an effective mechanism and chart future steps, CRB in collaboration with ISEAL
Alliance, UK, is organizing a webinar on the topic “Social Dialogue at
Workplace in Global Value and Supply Chains: Experiences from India, Wider Asia
and Way Forward”. The webinar will bring together a panel comprising of
international organisation and experts, who will share their experiences and
discuss the role of various stakeholders, complexities and challenges in
formulating, initiating and deepening social dialogue practices and systems,
and the scope of promoting cordial industrial relations and improved working
environments through social dialogue.
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